Our Services
We provide quality, compassionate and non-judgmental services in a manner that fosters self-respect, dignity and independence in persons experiencing crime, violence and trauma; leading the struggle to create community healing and safety through advocacy and education.
Supporting communities in NW Colorado through free Accessible, Culturally Responsive and Trauma Informed Services including but not limited to:
24-hour crisis hotline 970-824-2400, with as requested on scene community response dispatch within twenty minutes to Moffat and Rio Blanco Counties , can assist in Routt and others as requested and available
Emotional support can include emotional, physical and suicide safety planning,
*Safety Plans for courts in person appointments are required.
Service and care coordination with curated referrals to resources and information
Youth, child, adult and family therapy
Four support and education groups for clients with more to come
Follow-up and individual counselling/advocacy and support
Crime Victims’ Rights information and victim compensation assistance
Community and at-large information, education and referrals
Emergency Safe house/shelter with some supports in transitional housing for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking
Client financial assistance- as available funding exists, parameters apply
Medical/Peer advocacy and accompaniment, care coordination, court updates, transportation, and Forensic Nursing Services.
Criminal and Civil Advocacy and Supports for those under VRA , includes accompaniment, transport and coordination with law enforcement, Child Advocacy Centers, Department Human Services, and District Attorneys office and Courts
Advocacy and Intervention with employers, schools, landlords and other community agencies for support of clients
Legal Support Services for survivors of domestic violence, human trafficking and intimate partner violence in partnership with Brining Justice Home
Community Crisis scene response and follow up for all unattended deaths including suicide, overdose and accidental
CISM and mass event response, Red Cross Partner
Volunteer opportunities for recruitment and training
Extensive local to regional community education and training in prevention, suicide intervention and post-vention skills and certifications ranging from Resilience, Vicarious Trauma, Leadership, CPI, ASIST to Advocacy 101, Peer Support and Compassionate Self Care.
Data reporting in numerous area
OHA is staffed by advocates that are highly trained peers, having the lived experience and are as diverse as the population they serve